At our 20 week scan we were told that part of our baby’s brain is missing, and the doctors were not sure what that would mean for our baby.
We underwent extensive testing through our maternal fetal medicine clinic to exclude a raft of genetic diseases and were left with a high chance of severe disability.
We were in hospital constantly for further testing and imaging, and every time we were asked if we would like to terminate. Despite being strong in our resolve and faith, it was hard. We were adamant we would love our baby no matter what.
We were told he would be likely blind and severely disabled- this may include being wheelchair bound, fed by a tube, require oxygen support, be unable to communicate, suffer seizures, live in hospital for hormone replacement, or even not live at all.
I had panic attacks between prayers right up until I gave birth.
✨ He is now our completely healthy, completely beautiful, completely worth it three-year-old. He had to fight to make it into this world, and his miracle story has helped our family to see the miracle and beauty in every day.
✨ Follow along for more of Judah’s incredible story (there is a lot more to tell), and to be encouraged about the joy, beauty and miracle, big and small, of everyday ✨